Come forth into the light of things; let Nature be your teacher.

~ William Wordsworth

Believe one who knows: you will find something greater in woods than in books.

Trees and stones will teach you that which you can never learn from masters.

~ Saint Bernard de Clairvaux

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Nature Doesn’t Tell You What to Do

Photo by ollivves on pixabay

Nature just does its thing. We can learn from the flow of life by paying attention. But Nature is never going to tell you what to do. It simply expresses itself from moment to moment. It’s up to us to glean the lessons that are for us.

That’s what I want to do. Share my story and experience. I was looking at many of the online e-zines I’d like to write for and there are so many how-to articles. I don’t feel as though that is what I’m supposed to write. Not explicitly anyway.

As I look out my window and watch the wind move through the palm tree across the street I feel as though my words are to be used to share my experience. Others can then read and glean what they will. This way it comes more from them than me.

Nature is my guru, my teacher by simply being. I looked to its expression as I was tapping into what I want to write. These insights are what came to me. Because I have all I need within, Nature’s ways and my inner wisdom resonate when I come to the answer.

I’m supposed to write and teach in a more expressive form rather than explanatory. This is a big insight for me. I’ll have to sit with this for a while.

For now I’ll let Nature continue to teach and touch me. There is so much to gather from this amazing and abundant Beingness.

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